One alternative to this problem is on-line hosting which could lessen investment on development and implementation. It takes away much of the costs associated with software and hardware development and maintenance. It also lessens if not totally eliminates the need to re-train or worst hire dedicated personnel to develop, implement and maintain the software and hardware once it is in use. Many firms could be found online through the internet, who offer such hosting services that could be availed of for through many different packages types and services.
One alternative to this problem is on-line hosting which could lessen investment on development and implementation. It takes away much of the costs associated with software and hardware development and maintenance. It also lessens if not totally eliminates the need to re-train or worst hire dedicated personnel to develop, implement and maintain the software and hardware once it is in use. Many firms could be found online through the internet, who offer such hosting services that could be availed of for through many different packages types and services.
These companies offer the convenience of e-commerce without having to invest in the necessary hardware and software along with training and personnel related costs. In providing these services they allow customers to focus more on running their businesses and improving products. The firm handles most of the support and maintenance of your web page as your requirements evolve and change. They offer and guarantee a 99.9% system uptime with respect to network and offers 24/7 FTP accessibility. They provide lighting fast networking with high reliability that gives you the edge with your e-commerce applications. Their system is easily configured through a control panel that allows easy e-mail management and monitoring through the use of URCHIN-5 monitor that analyzes and tracks in real time web usage.
Hosting product packages of some offer 15,000 MB of disk space, 250 GB bandwidth, cPanel Pro/+23 language support and utilizes Fantastico deluxe. This service is possible with the utilization of Dual core Opteron servers that is contained within rock-solid data centers within the continental US providing the reliability and supportability. This gives way to faster return on investment on their move to develop an e-commerce system for their products. Also their huge focus on support allows them to work with clients as partners rather than the normal company-client relationship which tends to take away the human factor lessening development of business relations.
Some firms also offer Turbo or High Assurance Secure SSL Certificates at low prices, not only protects your customer’s information as it travels through the internet. It uses 256-key encryption, which is considered to be one of the most robust among encryption standards to date giving unsurpassed security and integrity. It is recognized by browsers 99.9% of the times and has a limited warranty along with a seal on your site that tells clients of the measures you take to protect the information that is sent through your Web Site. Most offer refund options with money back guarantees that give you the security of non-satisfactory services if you so decide.
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